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The Bone Field (by Simon Kernick)

The Bone Field
by Simon Kernick
Pub Date 12 Jan 2017

q? encoding=UTF8&MarketPlace=GB&ASIN=1784752320&ServiceVersion=20070822&ID=AsinImage&WS=1&Format= SL250 &tag=rdrstr 21ir?t=rdrstr 21&l=am2&o=2&a=1784752320An evil crime thriller that is quite disturbing. The “hero” detective has a dubious moral compass, and the perpetrators of various murders are even more diabolical. Who is the worst? Difficult to tell at times! The contrast between the Square Mile in London and a vicious gangland estate just a mile away are worlds apart.

The story-line rattles along at a pace, and the action is often brutal and frightening. All is revealed in the final pages except for a final twist which asks further questions!


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