Author or Book Sites

RdrStr offers one page or multi-page sites to promote an author or a book or a series of books. We use WordPress to create professional websites that are easy to maintain by authors or publicists. Profiles can be easily edited; reviews added; new books uploaded; extracts created, etc. RdrStr does offer to maintain the content if required.

Our one-page site package includes:

  • design, creation and 1-year hosting of a website using wordpress
  • purchase of a domain name
  • adding content for one page includes intro, author bio, up to 3 book intros and amazon buy links, reviews and contact form.
  • plugins added for SEO, backup and caching

Author/Client: Provides all text, 2 author photos. After the initial year client is responsible for site hosting and domain renewal costs.

Our multi-page site package includes:

  • design, creation and 1-year hosting of a website using wordpress
  • purchase of a domain name
  • adding content for multiple pages includes intro, author bio, blog, up to 3 book intros with amazon buy links, book extracts, reviews and contact form.
  • plugins added for SEO, backup and caching

Author/Client: Provides all text, 2 author photos. After the initial year client is responsible for site hosting and domain renewal costs. Client will be able to edit content and add posts to the blog.

Single Page SiteMulti-Page Site
Author demo – single page site.
multi page demo site
Author demo – multi page site. Click on the image to see a live demo.

Custom Websites

In addition, we are pleased to offer a full range of custom-designed websites by consultation

    Please contact us if you require further information: