Engaging with your Readers
Using Social Media to communicate with readers (and potential readers) should be a high priority. Social Media has in many cases replaced email marketing. Your potential audience is far greater on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram – just to mention a few. Let’s take a deeper look at Twitter.
Twitter Marketing
As far as social media marketing goes, Twitter is one of the major players.
With over 321 million monthly active users on the site, it’s easy to see why Twitter is one of the platforms most businesses and marketers could benefit from joining.
But here’s the big question: How do you get some of those 321 million monthly active users (as reported by the Washington Post in 2019) to engage with your posts and click on your content?
Some interesting Twitter Facts
- The half-life of a tweet is only 24 minutes, meaning that half the engagement that you get will be received in a little under half an hour.
- Tweets with GIFs receive 55% more engagement than those without.
- Tweets with video attract 10x more engagement than posts without visual components.
Getting Started with designing Twitter Images
- Header 1500×500 pixels
- Profile Photo 200×200 (min) 400×400 (optimal) NB crops round
- Tweeted Image 600×335 (min) 1200×675 (optimal)
- TwitterCard 600×314 (min) 1200×628 (optimal) (NB 1.91:1ratio)
(other Social Media profiles have different requirements – a fantastic resource is available at Louise Myers – free membership resource provides all the Image / photo sizes)
How can RdrStr help?
We can provide superb profile images plus animated graphics and promotional videos for tweets and posts to other social media sites. Remember that engagement is crucial and the stats suggest they maximise your marketing effort. Some examples in the gallery below!