You have spent months bringing your creation to life. Now you want people to read your masterpiece and enjoy your new book. Marketing your book in a crowded market place is fraught with difficulty. Here at RdrStr, we want to help.

By design, our reviews are free of charge. We are selective in the reviews we can accept.

3rd Party Reviews

Although we prefer to independently review books, we recognise that we will never have sufficient resources to process all book review requests.

  1. Provide an independent review – from a named individual – with a minimum of 400 words. Our Editors reserve the right to reject or request changes.
  2. Book an advert on our home page – advertising rates here. We are not expensive!
  3. Tells us if the advert links to your review, website, social media profiles or even Amazon!

Advertising your Book on RdrStr

We do offer advertising opportunities on the site. Front Page: book cover images, sidebar text snippets, and banners. Other pages: Adverts can be placed in the right sidebar. Some examples are detailed below. Use the Contact Form below to discuss advertising or sponsorship.


Book reviews are featured on the reviews home page. We offer 6 months of front-page promotion for just £25. In addition, our review includes a link to your book on Amazon.

Reviews published on RdrStr are also distributed to Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites for maximum exposure. If you are interested please contact us.


Strategies for Marketing your First Book

This interview illustrates how to promote your book. Full of How to’s, strategies and tips including the following:

  • How to get 100 reviews within 2 months of your book publication
  • How to maximise your chances of becoming an Amazon Bestseller
  • How to automate the process of getting Amazon reviews over the lifecycle of the book
  • One tactic to get 10,000 downloads within 2 days of launch
  • Using a $10,000 investment!

Learn from an author and expert to launch your book successfully!

PS. Reviews for features on the Home Page require a 500-page independent loves reviewing new books but reviews are subject to our availability and prior review commitments. 

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